5 Reasons Your Child Should Journal This Summer (and how you can get them started)

Meagan Ledendecker • Jun 24, 2019
Elementary child sitting on a couch by a window with a notebook

Whether you have a major family vacation this summer or you plan to take a more low-key and local approach, your child is sure to have some fun experiences and adventures. Capturing these experiences can be done a variety of ways, and one way is to write them down! Journaling has many benefits for children (and adults, if you would like to join in on the fun). Even very young children who are not yet writing can journal!

First things first: it’s important to make sure you get the right journal for your child. If your child is a writer, go to your local bookstore or office supply store and have your child select a journal or notebook. This small act of choice will make your child more likely to use the journal than if you pick it. Keep in mind the size of the lines on the pages should be a consideration; early writers often need slightly larger lines to make handwriting a bit more comfortable.


For children as young as three-years-old who have not yet started writing, a drawing journal is the best bet. We love this one, as its large, spiral-bound pages hold together well and provide plenty of space!


In addition to the journal, you can just use whatever pencils, markers, or other writing utensils you have on hand.


Journaling can be done daily, whenever the child has experienced something special, or just as the mood strikes. Remember to encourage your child to date each entry, or date it yourself if your child is on the younger side.


On to the benefits…


1. Journaling is an excellent creative outlet.

Whether the journaling consists of drawing, writing, or a combination of the two, having a designated place to record our thoughts is a perfect way to encourage creative thinking. This is a space that is truly children’s own, and they get to write their own perspective in a way that is pleasing to them. They are likely to explore rich language, dialogue, or testing out phrases they have heard others use. Use of color can help convey different meaning and feeling, and they will experiment with this!


Exploring our creativity allows us to come up with new ideas, explore ways to solve problems, and take risks in ways that feel safe and supported.


2. The practice can help children observe the natural world.

Maria Montessori was a scientist who believed strongly in the power of observation, and as educators who follow her methods, we hold this practice in high regard. Taking the time to notice what is going on around us, using our senses, and recording these observations helps us make sense of our experiences.


Did you and your child move worms from the sidewalk after a rainstorm? Did your child discover pieces of a crab shell on the rocks by the beach? Did you spot an interesting mushroom while walking in the woods? If it sparked something, encourage your child to write about it as soon as you get home. Important learning likely happened in that moment, and writing about it will solidify the learning, and perhaps lead to even more.


3. Journaling is a great way to explore emotions.

Children experience the same range of emotions we do, but they have not yet developed all the skills for making sense of or regulating these emotions. Having a place to write down feelings is a healthy habit to build, and a positive way to work through difficult situations.


There is something to be said for getting our thoughts and feelings down on a piece of paper. Even if no one else ever reads it (and your child may prefer it that way), finding words that express our emotions can feel validating.


The next time your child is feeling sad, angry, frustrated, or even joyfully elated about something, suggest the journal as a great way to feel these feelings and figure out what to do with them.


4. Using a journal helps children record important memories.

What would you give to have a childhood journal detailing your summer vacation adventures? Perhaps you do, and it’s a treasure you will hang on to and share with your own children. Starting a journal while we are young is a gift that keeps giving. In the moments that children write in it, they reap so many positive benefits. Months or even years later when they return to their writing, they will be able to relive the memories.


So many of the small moments we experience are fleeting. If we don’t take the time to acknowledge them, they are gone forever. A written record helps us enjoy those moments forever.


5. They will become better writers (even if they’re not writing yet).

Just the act of retelling what happened - in words or pictures - is great practice for writers. Features such as logical sequencing, main events, and supporting details will become naturally woven into the pages of your child’s journal. Like anything in life, the more we practice, the more proficient we become.


For those who are beginning to write words, they will have unlimited opportunities to experiment with vocabulary, punctuation, and sentence structure. Without the pressure and confines of standardized conventions (like a teacher correcting spelling), they will feel free to stretch and take risks as writers. While conventions are important in formal writing, the development of unique and authentic writer’s voice is just as difficult and perhaps even more important. Having a journal all their own creates the perfect space to learn what their own voice sounds like.


We hope your child enjoys trying out journaling this summer. If you find the idea inspiring, give it a try yourself and journal right alongside them. Happy adventures!

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