Holiday Giving Guide 2019

Meagan Ledendecker • Nov 04, 2019
preschool child matching tiles

Believe it or not, the holiday season is rapidly approaching! We thought it might be fun to share some of our favorite Montessori-friendly gift ideas.

Montessori Infant Mobiles

Montessori infant environments offer mobiles for newborns. There are different types, but their purpose remains the same: they aid babies in the development of their visual tracking, while also bringing the babies a sense of joy. Etsy is a great source for finding beautiful handmade versions. To learn more about Montessori mobiles, take a look at this article.

Baby Boo Silk Scarves

Silk scarves are an excellent option for open-ended play. Children use their imaginations and creativity as they think of ways to incorporate the scarves into play. The scarves are often used for hiding, covering, waving, dancing, and as a dress-up option. We have even seen them worn by patient and willing family pets. This particular scarf is a bit smaller and colored with nontoxic dyes, making it perfect for babies and toddlers.

Crayon Rocks

Art supplies are a must for any child. Keep it simple! Children are happy to use paper from the recycling bin and whatever else you have around. If you’re looking for something a little more special, check out these crayon rocks. Comfortable for tiny hands to grasp, they are made with soy wax and colored with mineral powders. They lay down gorgeous color and are appreciated by children of all ages.

Child-Sized Snow Shovel

Young children love to do whatever the beloved adults in their lives are doing. The tasks we often view as monotonous or even tedious are exciting for little ones. Giving children real tools that are sized down for them makes this important work possible. This snow shovel will allow you to get your driveway cleared while your child learns alongside you. In addition, you both can enjoy fresh air, exercise, and important bonding time.

Young Carpenter’s Set

Much like the snow shovel listed above, this tool belt, hammer, and safety glasses set will allow aspiring young carpenters to work alongside the adults they admire. Montessori Services offers many different child-sized tools, depending on your child’s level of interest and what types of projects you have envisioned!

Leaf and Flower Press

Children are collectors. Especially when they spend time outdoors, their natural fascination with the world spurs them to gather tiny objects. We are all familiar with pockets full of rocks and crushed dandelions found in the back seat of the car. As children get a little older, this leaf and flower press can allow them to preserve their botanical finds. Once leaves and flowers are dried and pressed, they can be used in many different ways!

Marble Run

If your child loves to build, marble runs are a great way to encourage independent development of a wide range of skills. Children experience trial and error, general engineering concepts, creativity, and more. There are endless possibilities for configurations, and the toy can be used independently or with a friend or adult.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Puzzles are a classic way to pass the time together. We really appreciate this particular brand because they are well-made and have many great designs for children. The beauty of puzzles is that they don’t need to be completed in one setting. Designate a tabletop and have one out for the family to work on together a little bit each day. Rather than linking to one particular puzzle, we decided to just share the page for children’s puzzles so you can find one that would be appealing to your child.

Child-Sized Mug

There’s nothing quite like cozying up with a warm drink on a chilly winter day. These 4-ounce ceramic mugs were created with children in mind. They are adorned with pictures of wild animals, and a portion of each sale is donated to conservation efforts.


Kites are a classic children’s toy. They encourage our children to run around outside and to pay attention to keeping the kite afloat. Teaching your child how to fly one can be a fun and rewarding experience, and there are so many different places to fly a kite! Some families like to keep a kite in the trunk of their car…just in case!

We hope this list has provided you with some helpful inspiration. Do you have other ideas to share? Let us know!

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